Connect to Lead

In 2011, we were conducting village stability operations in Afghanistan. We were living by, with, and through indigenous Pashtun villagers in the most rural villages until we became invited guests, and in some cases even members of the community. This was a deliberate campaign to establish a foothold in contentious Taliban-dominated areas so that theRead More

5 Ways to Stay Engaged Under Poor Leadership

  Workers enthused about what they do for a living tend to be happier and perform their best work. Yet as several polls suggest, many Americans can't help but feel disconnected in their occupations - a problem exacerbated by overbearing bosses, or poor leadership from the president or CEO. An estimated 85 percent of employeesRead More

4 Ways to Demonstrate Leadership in a Non-Management Role

Whether you're just starting out with a new company or you're a seasoned veteran looking to demonstrate your value, few qualities have the same impact as strong leadership. Leadership qualities--such as introducing new strategies or energizing staff to feel more connected with their work--lead to positive results that can be evidenced in a variety ofRead More